Client Information
The MR195 Cessnock Road Upgrade at Testers Hollow project involves the construction of a 670m roadway between Cliftleigh and Gillieston Heights. The project is required in order to minimise the impact on the community during flood events, in which the existing road can flood for an extended period of time.
Key features of the works include:
- A two-lane road with two-metre shoulders, about 670 metres long between Gillieston Heights and Cliftleigh on the western side of the existing road on a new earth embankment.
- Soft soil treatment with Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVDs or ‘wicks’), preloaded surcharge and ground monitoring;
- Temporary drainage pipe under the preload surcharge embankment;
- Tie-in to existing road at the northern and southern extents;
- Existing access arrangements maintained to private property and to the existing combined u-turn bay and intersection at Avery Lane;
- New drainage consisting of three pipes to allow water to pass under the new earth embankment and through the existing road embankment;
- Utility and street light relocations;
- Ancillary works including drainage works, safety barriers, signs, linemarking, landscaping and environmental protection works; and
- Temporary ancillary facilities including site compounds and stockpile sites.
Scope of Works
- Control of traffic including the provision of approved Traffic Management Plans to facilitate the construction of the works;
- Provision for pedestrians, cyclists, access for local residents and businesses;
- Searching for and protecting public utility services;
- Utility and street light relocations;
- Maintenance of the existing roadway and associated road infrastructure, as specified;
- Erosion and sedimentation controls;
- Soft soil treatment and ground monitoring;
- Construction of pipe culverts, both temporary and permanent;
- Earthworks including clearing and grubbing, ground treatment works, excavation of cuttings, placing of general fill, offsite disposal of spoil material as required, placement of selected material zone using imported materials;
- Containment, treatment and disposal of contaminated material;
- Construction of pavements including asphalt, both intermediate and wearing course;
- Cold milling;
- Property adjustments;
- Installation of road furniture and signposting;
- Pavement marking and raised pavement markers and;
- Landscaping and revegetation of exposed new works and areas disturbed by construction activities.