Client Information
Since beginning the beachside development at Catherine Hill Bay in 2014, Daracon has constructed 395 lots of the total planned 550 residential lots. Works have included extensive rehabilitation, earthworks and all lead-in infrastructure works within the former Coal & Allied mine site.
Scope of Work
- Bulk earthworks remediation, including 1.4M m³ of earthworks remediation, 700K m³ of coal reject cut-fill, hydrocarbons remediation, asbestos remediation, removal of existing tailing dams, remediation of existing mine shaft, adit and roadways.
- Pacific Highway WAD intersection, including installation of signalised RMS intersection with pavement reconstruction under live traffic and associated civil works
- Construction of road pavements, installation of pressure sewer main and on-lot tank systems, water reticulation, electrical reticulation and NBN network for the 395 Lot Subdivision
- Core-filled blockwork and sandstone retaining walls
- Potable water transfer main including installation of 6km of 200mm PE water main
- Rehabilitation of 5km of existing fire-trail
- Construction of temporary sewer pump-out facility and water pumping station.
- Successfully managed the high profile project with public and media attention along with objection from local residents
- Maintained emergency access through the site at all times via consultation with; RFS, NSW ambulance, NSW Fire and local police commands
- Successfully mitigated construction impacts from the environmentally sensitive project with the entire 25Ha site bordering onto National Park land (Conservation area). Also a SEPP 14 wetland is situated immediately downstream of the site
- Scoping undertaken concurrently as per condition of approval to enable registration of stage of the 110 lot subdivision. All scopes required separate contracts and were managed individually, while still integrating together to best utilise resources, maintain site access and achieve overall program
- Ability to achieve works with zero imported or exported materials from the site due to selective earthworks material management.
- Site-won ripped rock material used to construct pavement subgrades. Meaning, almost all subbase layers could be reduced in thickness, with the saving passed onto the client
- The existing site had minimal existing topsoil, therefore site-won sand was excavated and blended with organic material and lime to produce ameliorated topsoil, providing another saving for the client
- Site-won sands screened and re-used as conduit backfill material that reduced the amount of imported material to the site.